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Rønnaug Evjen Solsvik is a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She has been passionate about photography for a long time. People in her life guarantees: more often than not, she will be carrying a camera around. One of the first times her husband saw her, she was crouching on the floor with a full arm stretch to get the perfect shot from the nature around her. It was love at the first sight. Her kids remember that their family long-distance travels would normally be interrupted by a quick break to register some mountain, fjord, river or unique color of the sky. During those trips, there was also multiple requests for the kids to pose to the camera. They also remember that sometimes her husband, Ove,  would convince (or perhaps, trick) her that they would stop for photos on the way back, although they almost never did. The grandchildren and in-laws already know it's "Family photo time" when they see her coming with the tripod.

Rønnaug's interest and love for photography have only increased over the years and apart from registering family moments, she spends her free time capturing breathtaking views of Arctic nature.

Her standard canvas is Vestre Jakobselv, a small village where she was born and raised located in the north of Norway. Jakobselv is known for its salmon river and it is also a popular destination for bird watchers. Rønnaug's portfolio portraits the sights and nature in the surroundings of the Varanger fjord (Varangerfjorden) during the different seasons of the year.

Her most admired work includes photos of the northern lights (Aurora Boreal, Nordlys) that she can see from her backyard during the winter, beautiful long exposure shots from the Fjords and close ups and macros of the North-Norwegian flora and fauna.

Natur i Nord means "Nature in the North" in Norwegian and it's a website to share Rønnaug's photos with the world.

 Vær så god!

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